Participation is free, however preregistration is required. Please use the form on this page to preregister.


View the May 14, 2024 webinar with Petronia Carillo ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the October 17, 2023 webinar with Henk-Maarten Laane ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the April 19, 2023 webinar with Arup Gosh ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the February 15, 2023 webinar with Vasileios Fotopoulos ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the November 23, 2022 webinar with Danny Geelen ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the September 28, 2022 webinar with Christophe El Nakhel ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the June 8th, 2022 webinar with Davide Cammarano ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the April 5th, 2022 webinar with Spyridon Petropoulos ! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the January 19, 2022 webinar with Benoît Planques and Laetitia Fourié! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the October 19, 2021 webinar with Youry Pii! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the September 15, 2021 webinar with Paolo Bonini! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the June 3, 2021 webinar with Professor Rajabi Hamedani! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the March 23, 2021 webinar with Professor Rouphael! Use our contact form to submit a question.

View the November 18,2020 webinar with Professor Woo!

View the September 15, 2020 webinar with Professor Manuela Giovannetti. Have a question? Use our contact form to submit your question.

View the May 28, 2020 webinar with Mirella Sorrentino. Have a question? Use our contact form to submit your question.

View the March 19, 2020 webinar with Professor Ruzzi.
Have a question for Professor Ruzzi? Use our contact form to submit your question.


View the January 21, 2020 webinar by Professor Giuseppe Colla of Tuscia University (IT)